We are proud to announce three exciting features that can unlock new value for your business operations in SOTI Snap 2025.0.
But first, let’s take a moment to remind ourselves what SOTI Snap is all about.
SOTI Snap is a cross-platform solution that helps organizations replace time-consuming processes, such as those on paper, in Excel or within third-party systems. This allows a wide range of businesses to easily digitize their data collection and approval processes, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of operations. As a result, businesses can optimize the mobile investments they’ve already made and reduce operational costs.
You may be thinking, “I don’t know what kind of apps would benefit my business.” Identifying everyday processes to be digitized may be difficult at first. Here are a few examples of what’s possible. These apps and more are available from the SOTI Pulse Marketplace and ready to use in SOTI Snap:
The Injury Reporting app makes it easy to capture key information about a workplace incident and access resources to help the affected individual.
The Stationary Procurement app simplifies the procurement process of essential items, which maintains office operations and prevents unexpected costs.
While each app has a unique purpose, what do they both have in common?
Every app created in SOTI Snap is meant to transform the way your business operates, driving efficiency, accuracy and scalability. By eliminating time-consuming manual tasks with paperless processes, you can prevent human error and decrease the costs associated with paper handling, storage and data retrieval.
Can you think of a process or system at your business that can be digitized or automated? Critically assessing everyday operations often unearths processes that are tedious, time-consuming and inefficient. Additionally, they are often disconnected from the systems your company uses. For example, customer relationship management (CRM) systems are used to improve relationships and grow operations. However, the data collected from business cards or request forms must be manually uploaded into these systems to be useful, which wastes time and resources.
Let’s Put SOTI Snap 2025.0 to the Test
Imagine you’re employed by a sales organization that regularly attends conferences and trade shows. Your attendance at these events is what accounts for much of your lead generation, which means getting accurate prospective clients’ information into your database is crucial.
Let’s see how the SOTI Snap 2025.0 updates can help!
Unlock a Seamless Connection between Salesforce and SOTI Snap
One challenge your sales organization may face is how to collect data from prospective clients. While they could give you their business card or you scan their conference badge, the manual work to sort through them and transcribe or batch upload records into your database is inefficient and time-consuming. As a result, clients could get lost in the shuffle or have moved on by the time you reach out.
Salesforce is a cloud-based software company that many businesses use to expand their prospects, succeed in closing more deals and connect with new customers. With a new, seamless connection between SOTI Snap and Salesforce, you can create or use an existing SOTI Snap app to collect data, which can then be automatically transferred to Salesforce. This allows for efficient data flow for commonly used Salesforce objects, such as Leads, Accounts, Contacts and Opportunities.
For example, if you were scanning business cards or QR codes from conference badges to collect information, the Lead Capture Application would be perfect. It accurately and securely captures contact information, which can then be transferred to Salesforce without the need for manual entry.
Avoid Inflated Leads with the Repeater Widget
As several employees from the same company often attend a conference or trade show, there is a chance they will visit your booth. Collecting two or three contacts from the same company can inflate the number of leads you have and cause confusion regarding who to follow up with.
With the Repeater Widget in SOTI Snap 2025.0, you can create a single record that contains repeating entries. So, the company name would be the single record, while the contact information for each employee would be repeating entries. This way you can ensure the accuracy of your leads and identify the main contact for following up.
Track Your Time with the Timer Widget
With the Timer Widget, you can measure the time it takes to fill in forms or how long a customer or employee stays on a specific page within your app. With this information, you can determine which apps are being used the most or which forms are time-consuming and adjust them accordingly.
While sales organizations are an excellent example of a vertical that would benefit greatly from SOTI Snap 2025.0, the need for digitizing manual processes applies to many other verticals and companies too.
Want to learn how the benefits of SOTI Snap can help to drive growth and success for your business? Reach out to us today: